Startup: Transparent Pharmaceuticals at MyBestRx


Upon returning from teaching English in Korea, I set out once again on the Startup Bus from Chicago, IL to Austin, TX to develop and pitch a full-fledged Startup company at SXSWi 2014. We were one of four among dozens to actually pitch in Austin, because of our ability to rally a greater Web following than any other Startup.

Reaching out through our personal networks, Facebook and Twitter, and through word-of-mouth we generated enough traffic on our Startup Bus page to win the Web competition and pitch in the finals.

My part in getting us to the finals involved setting up and managing our primary informational site at I designed the logo, developed the site content, wrote most of the posts for our social media outlets, and captured and edited our demo videos.

Screenshot of MyBestRx medicine selection screen.

When we were accepted into the Tech Cocktail competition in Chicago I helped mount a brief social media campaign to promote our participation and designed our company banner for our booth on site. | your personal Rx concierge

MyBestRx in Press
Write up by Tech Cocktail
Coverage of MyBestRx at Startup Bus Finals
John Pletz wrote about us in Crain’s Blogs

Flip book (Louisville)
iOS (Tech Cocktail)

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