American Modernism & Celebrating Korea

American Modernism exhibition screenshotsFor the first major exhibition of the year, the Kresge Art Museum hosted a series of events related to certain themes of the art and the time of its origin, including a sneak peek party. This speakeasy themed party had been documented by our staff and a professional photographer.

All of this required its own page that was easily accessible from the original exhibition page. Using a previously constructed template from our Celebrating Korea exhibition, which required a photo gallery to display Haeri Yoo working on her installation, I adapted and expanded its use to include both a media player and the image gallery that pops up when the user clicks on the image in the header.

Celebrating Korea (Main/SneakPeek)

The American Modernism site uses a YouTube embed of a playlist of individual videos from our Kresge Art Museum Youtube Channel. It was the easiest way to allow any user access to the entirety of the videos we had collected without having to leave the site or edit them all together. The rest of the these sites combine JavaScript, CSS, and XHTML to build the galleries and general layout. Fortunately, once the design standard was established after making the Celebrating Korea exhibition site, I could free my time up the next exhibition concentrating on other features as well as the general site maintenance.

categorized under KAM Web_Design